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Nafisa M K Elehamer: Foto

Nafisa M K Elehamer

PhD candidte, a lecturer and researcher - Public health and Epidimiology en Unviersity of Debrecen, Hungary and University of Khartoum, Sudan Sudán

Spoken languages:
Inglés, Árabe
En busca de un mentor Y disponible para colaboración.
Nivel de apoyo:
soporte de edición, Tutoría y apoyo a largo plazo
Tiempo de respuesta:
Generalmente en 48 horas
Apoyo Necesitado:
Escritura, Corrección de textos, Planeación de artículos, Planeación de libros, Manejo del proceso editorial, Edición ligera/perfeccionamiento del idioma, Edición media/profunda, Planeación de presentaciones, Desarrollo de propuestas, Ética de Publicación, Responder a la revisión de pares, Estadística, Diseño experimental, Diseño de tablas y figuras, Idioma de edición o corrección de textos de apoyo, Asesoramiento estadístico, Revisión de literatura, Artículos noticiosos, Redes sociales, Revisiones sistemáticas, Reportes técnicos, Escritura de tesis y disertaciones, tutoría de carrera, Análisis de los datos, La administracion y el intercambio de datos

AuthorAID articles


Palabras clave de la investigación:
Public health, Epidemiology, non-communicable diseases, health education, health promotion, occupational health,
Intereses de colaboración:
Public health and epidemiology, Health Education and Promotion, researching Migration Health, Emerging Diseases, Tobacco Use & Vaping, Mental & Occupational Health, Impact of Outbreaks, Systematic review and meta-analysis, and mixed-methods Research.
Nafisa Elehamer (MPH), a PhD candidate at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, a lecturer at the University of Khartoum, Sudan, researcher and Health educator/Public health specialist/ epidemiologist. She has been a Radio presenter for two years. Interested in researching health behaviour(health promotion and health education), public health and epidemiology (non-communicable diseases, Emerging Diseases, Tobacco Use, Mental & Occupational Health, and Impact of Outbreaks), also in systematic review and meta-analysis studies and Mixed-Methods Research. She is also a mentor for first-year students at the University of Debrecen. She writes and speaks Arabic and good English, is open to working in a team, looking for opportunities that develop her skills and experiences, and applying her knowledge gained through her studies and research in her field. Elehamer career goal is to assume a role that allows her to take responsibility for leadership and advocacy in a professional environment that enables her to enhance her practical skillset and contribute to its progress. In addition, she aims to work in a challenging environment to develop personally and professionally.

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