Una red global de investigadores

Tea time with AuthorAID- Challenges of Attending Global North Conferences: Voices from Global South Researchers.

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- | GMT+00:00 Ghana Time

Teatime with AuthorAID is a monthly community event, where scholars from all over the world join (with their favourite variety of tea/drink), engage in informal conversation, extend their network and explore collaboration opportunities. Unlike a typical webinar, it thrives on informal and immersive discussions between participants and the host, as well as among participants themselves. In this session, especially targeted for early career researchers, we will be hosting an interactive networking session where we will discuss the challenges faced by scholars when attending conferences in the Global North. Scholars from the Global South will share their experiences, the challenges they have encountered, and the best tips and tricks they have employed over the years.

The hosts of the events Dr. Charles Kalinzi and Dr. Farooq Rathore. 

Bio of the hosts:

Dr. Charles Kalinzi: Dr. Charles is the PhD is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) of UK and Senior teaching fellow- Strategic Procurement at University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom & a post- Doc Researcher. He holds a PhD in public procurement from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, an MBA in Management of Government Procurement from Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands and a BSc degree in Mathematics from Makerere University.is also serving as a course leader for Business and Supply chain Management undergraduate course and module coordinator for several other modules. HE is a Certified Procurement Professional with Institute of Procurement Professionals of Uganda and Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, and Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport, UK. HE is also a member of several leading procurement research associations like IPSERA (International Purchasing & supply Education & Research Association, among other action research bodies

Charles has won a number of travel grants and awards and has attended a number of leading academic & research associations like African Doctoral Academy (ADA), WASD (World Association of Sustainable Development), IPSERA, BigSurv (Big Data Meets Survey Science) among others; where he made conference presentations in the field of strategic Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Pubic procurement and procurement innovation.

Dr. Farooq Rathore: Dr. Farooq is a Professor and Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine and Pain Specialist at the Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. He describes himself as a rehabilitation physician, learner, teacher and mentor. He has been affiliated with AuthorAID since 2008 in various capacities. He has been an invited and plenary speaker at national and international conferences and chaired and co-chaired scientific sessions. He has won multiple national and international awards, travel grants and scholarships. He is an editorial board member of several Journals and Co-Editor in Chief of the JISPRM. He is passionate about teaching research writing and has conducted more than 130 workshops on medical writing, scientific misconduct, research ethics, evidence-based medicine and presentation skills, spasticity management and stroke rehabilitation around the world.


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