Resource Library
Toolkit:A guide to starting and running an AuthorAID journal club
In this guide, we outline the steps to starting and running your own AuthorAID journal club and share learning from our existing journal clubs.
Article:How to write a superb literature review
This Nature article asks researchers to explain the work they did to make their literature reviews effective.
Web resource:Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations website
Published paper:Education for Sustainable Development Goals
Article:Art of reading a journal article: Methodically and effectively
By RV Subramanyam
Web resource:How to Read (and Understand) a Social Science Journal Article
By Frederique Laubepin
Web resource:How to read a scientific paper
By Natalia Rodriguez
Article:How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists
By Jennifer Raff
Web resource:Fast and Made to Last: Academic blogs look to ensure long-term accessibility and stability of content
LSE blog post by Christof Schöch.
Presentation:A brief guide to the international research landscape
Resource and suggested powerpoint slides