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Presentation:Week 2: 2012 Intensive Course in Research Writing

By | Jul. 09, 2012
Main slides from second week of 3-week intensive course given at Texas A&M University in summer 2012. Major topics include writing the introduction, some aspects of writing style, ethical and other issues, writing an abstract, and publishing a paper.

Presentation:Week 1: 2012 Intensive Course in Research Writing

By | Jul. 01, 2012

Main slides from first week of 3-week intensive course given at Texas A&M University in summer 2012. Major topics include deciding when and where to submit a paper, approaching a writing project, writing the methods section, writing the results section, preparing tables and figures, citing references, preparing and giving poster presentations and oral presentations, and writing the discussion section.

Presentation:Writing Review Articles and Case Reports

By | May. 05, 2012

Short presentation providing main points to remember about writing and publishing review articles and case reports. To keep the file small, photos have been deleted. From the IADSR International Conference 2012, "Fundamentals of Conducting & Reporting Research", Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 April 2012.

Presentation:Workshop: Writing a Journal Article: Section by Section

By | May. 01, 2012
Post-conference workshop on writing journal articles in the IMRAD format (Introductions, Methods, Results, and Discussion). Topics included using journals' instructions to authors, structuring journal articles, and writing effectively in English. To keep the file small, photos have been deleted. The workshop was given 1 May 2012, after the IADSR International Conference 2012, "Fundamentals of Conducting & Reporting Research".

Presentation:Writing Case Reports

By | Dec. 17, 2011

Main slides from a presentation at the Workshop on Medical Writing and Publication, Bangladesh Society of Medicine, December 2011. Provides guidance in writing and publishing medical case reports.

Presentation:Writing Other Types of Journal Items

By | Dec. 17, 2011

Main slides from a presentation at the Workshop on Medical Writing and Publication, Bangladesh Society of Medicine, December 2011. Discusses writing review articles, editorials, letters to the editor, and essays.

Presentation:Citing References

By | Dec. 03, 2011
From the AuthorAID Post-PACN-Congress Workshop on Research Writing, Ghana, 24-25 November 2011.

Presentation:Writing the Discussion

By | Dec. 03, 2011
From the AuthorAID Post-PACN-Congress Workshop on Research Writing, Ghana, 24-25 November 2011.