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"How to Reach a Wider Audience for Your Research"

By | Dec. 27, 2015

A SciDev.Net Practical Guide. Presents ways to make one's research publications easy to find, track the reach of one's work, connect with audiences through social media and other means, and develop one's online presence. Includes a substantial resource list.

Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia

By | Oct. 09, 2015

Autor: Bárbara Gastel, MD, MPH, profesora en la Universidad de Texas A&M y miembro de INASP.

Traducción: Iveliz Martel, periodista y estudiante de magíster en periodismo científico en la Universidad de Texas A&M.


Presentation:Public Science Communication

By | May. 29, 2015

Presentation on presenting science to the public. Adapted from material presented at a scientific-communication capacity-building working in Nairobi, Kenya, in May 2015.