Resource Library
Presentation:Convertir las investigaciones científicas en temas relevantes para los creadores de políticas públicas
Ésta es una traducción de una presentación realizada en la conferencia PEER Participants en Arusha, Tanzania, el 5 de Agosto de 2014.
How to Report Scientific Findings
A SciDev.Net Practical Guide. By Bernard Appiah and Juan Casasbuenas.
"How to Write a Blogpost from Your Journal Article in Eleven Easy Steps"
Advice from Patrick Dunleavy, professor of political science at the London School of Economics.
"How to Reach a Wider Audience for Your Research"
A SciDev.Net Practical Guide. Presents ways to make one's research publications easy to find, track the reach of one's work, connect with audiences through social media and other means, and develop one's online presence. Includes a substantial resource list.
Article:Why academics should take social media seriously
Article on the LSE International Development blog
Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia
Autor: Bárbara Gastel, MD, MPH, profesora en la Universidad de Texas A&M y miembro de INASP.
Traducción: Iveliz Martel, periodista y estudiante de magíster en periodismo científico en la Universidad de Texas A&M.
Web resource:10 Tips on Communicating Complex Ideas
Advice on presenting specialized information to the public.
Presentation:Public Science Communication
Presentation on presenting science to the public. Adapted from material presented at a scientific-communication capacity-building working in Nairobi, Kenya, in May 2015.
Article:Making research connections with social media: advice for researchers
In a resource based on workshop sessions delivered to journal editors and medical researchers in Sri Lanka in March 2015, Siân Harris shares some insights and guidelines on using social media to promote research
Presentation:Effective Mentorship in Research Communication: A Case-Based Workshop
From a workshop at the University of Colombo Faculty of Medicine.