Resource Library
Web resource:Think. Check. Submit.
Resource for helping to determine whether a journal is trustworthy.
Web resource:"How to Find an Academic Mentor"
Advice for finding and evaluating potential mentors. Includes sets of questions to consider.
Web resource:"How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences"
A 28-page guide from the professional association IEEE. Among topics addressed: ethics in scientific publication, deciding whether to present at a conference or write a journal article, identifying conferences and journals suitable for one’s work, developing a manuscript, revising, and peer review. Interactive, with links to other resources.
Web resource:Journal Advisor
Set of online resources for authors of journal articles. Includes an aid to choosing journals to which to submit papers. Also includes a manuscript-submission checklist, writing advice for non-native users of English, guidance on writing cover letters and on responding to peer review, and other items. From Edanz.
Web resource:Taylor & Francis Author Services
Web resource:Author Resources from Elsevier
This Web page provides links to resources that the publisher Elsevier has developed to help authors write and publish scientific papers. The resources include a video of a presentation titled "How to Write a World Class Paper", a PDF file of slides from a version of this presentation, and an "ask the editor" section containing editors' answers to questions. Although intended primarily for authors in pharmacology, these resources can help authors in many fields.