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Web resource:ARRIVE Guidelines

By | Aug. 21, 2016

Guidelines for reporting research using animals.

Web resource:"Guide on Writing in African Studies Journals"

By | Aug. 08, 2013
Blog post by Dr. Hartmut Bergenthum, Africa Librarian, Frankfurt University Library, Germany. Based on conference panels on the topic. Includes advice on choosing a journal, writing exciting articles, and other aspects of writing for African studies journals. Also includes links to instructions to authors from some journals publishing African studies papers.

Web resource:"How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences"

By | Jan. 27, 2013

A 28-page guide from the professional association IEEE. Among topics addressed: ethics in scientific publication, deciding whether to present at a conference or write a journal article, identifying conferences and journals suitable for one’s work, developing a manuscript, revising, and peer review. Interactive, with links to other resources.