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Presentation:Core Presentations on Research Communication

By | May. 27, 2013
Slide set containing presentations on writing journal articles, giving presentations, preparing proposals, and related topics. From the AuthorAID Workshop on Teaching Research Communication, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 27-31 May 2013.

Presentation:Day 1 of 2: PACN-INASP Post-Congress Workshop on Scientific Writing

By | Dec. 24, 2012

Main slides from the first half of an AuthorAID workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 28-29 November 2012. Major topics include approaching a writing project, choosing a target journal, and writing each part of a scientific paper.

Presentation:Week 3: Intensive Course in Research Writing

By | Jul. 22, 2012

Main slides from third week of 3-week intensive course given at Texas A&M University in summer 2012. Major topics include preparing curricula vitae (CVs), preparing grant proposals and progress reports, writing review articles, writing book chapters and books, being a peer reviewer, and presenting specialized information to the public. There also is train-the-trainer material on basics of teaching technique.