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Presentation:Class 4--Intensive Course in Research Writing

By | Jun. 30, 2011

PowerPoint presentation from Intensive Course in Research Writing, held 27 June through 15 July 2011 at Texas A&M University. Main topics of the session: references, poster presentations, and oral presentations. To make the file small enough to download rapidly, pictures were omitted from the version posted. Including discussion and a break, the session ran about 3 hours.

Presentation:Tips on Designing PowerPoint Slides

By | Mar. 21, 2011
From the AuthorAID Workshop on Research Writing, Nepal, 14-17 March 2011. Presentation by a group of attendees.

Presentation:Giving Lectures

By | Jul. 04, 2010
From the AuthorAID Train-the-Trainers Workshop on Teaching Research Writing, Tanzania, 25 June 2010.

Presentation:Giving Presentations

By | Sep. 04, 2009
Guidance on preparing and giving both (1) poster presentations and (2) oral presentations.