Some Resources for Finding Travel Funding and More
Greetings again. I hope you’re doing well.
Recently I heard from a researcher who had received an opportunity for advanced training outside his home country. The opportunity seemed excellent. However, it was unpaid, and the researcher needed money to pay for his travel and his living expenses overseas.
The researcher asked me whether I knew of sources of funding for such purposes. Unfortunately, I did not have sources to suggest. However, I recommended that the researcher contact the director of AuthorAID, Julie Walker, to see whether she had suggestions.
The person contacted Julie. And Julie listed a dozen sources to explore. When I saw the list of sources, I realized that it also could help other researchers.
Therefore, with Julie’s permission, I am now providing a slightly edited version of the list. This list can aid in finding funding for a variety of purposes, including travel, meetings, and research. Here is the list:
- Institute of International Education Scholar Rescue Fund list of “alternative grant & fellowship opportunities”
- PLOS Early Career Travel Award Program
- TWAS (Third World Academy of Sciences) Grants for Scientific Meetings Held in Developing Countries
- RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) Travel Grants
- British Council: Researcher Links Travel Grants
- British Council: Newton Fund and Other Resources
- Newton’s List: A Gateway to International Research Collaboration
- Open Society Foundations: Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships
- Euraxess United Kingdom: Funding
- Canon Foundation
- The Emerging Nations Science Foundation
- Science Careers Grants & Funding Resource List
Thank you very much, Julie, for this information. I hope that many researchers will find it useful.
Until the next post—