A global network of researchers

A Busy Summer Begins

By Barbara Gastel | Jun. 07, 2015

Greetings again. I hope that all is going well for you.

Here in Texas, last month was the rainiest month in the state’s history. Now, however, the June heat and sun have arrived. And here at the university, the summer term has begun.

As usual, my summer is busy. Each summer I teach a course in science editing. This summer the course has more students than usual. Some are science communication graduate students, and some are graduate students in other fields. I think that we’ll have good discussions.

Each summer I also teach a 3-week intensive course in research writing. Some who will take the course are graduate students or others here at Texas A&M University. Others who will take the course are researchers from Mexico or other countries.

Fortunately, a team assists with the course. For example, a researcher here at Texas A&M provides much of the feedback on participants’ drafts. And my Mexican colleague Dr. Roberto Tuda helps greatly with the arrangements for international participants.

I especially appreciate such help because my other work continues while I am teaching the intensive course. For example, I still do my AuthorAID work. I also continue to have writing and editing to do.

This summer my writing projects include completing the manuscript for the next edition of the book How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Much of the content of AuthorAID workshops is based on material in this book.

If you have suggestions for this new edition, I would welcome them. I can be reached at bgastel@inasp.info or bgastel@cvm.tamu.edu.

Until the next post—


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