A global network of researchers

Open call for AuthorAID blog posts

By Bernard Appiah | Jul. 30, 2024  | Research communication News

As a global platform that provides resources and training for women and men researchers, the AuthorAID community is always looking for blog posts or articles on research communication that have the potential to benefit more researchers in low- and middle- income countries (LMICs).

We are calling on more authors to seize this opportunity to share their knowledge and skills to help and inspire members of the AuthorAID community. This is a great opportunity for authors to refine their writing and to have their words on a public platform with nearly 15,000 members globally.

Among the mechanisms that the AuthorAID blog team has put in place to make this happen are the following:

First, the AuthorAID team now has two editors: Bernard Appiah and Alejandra Arreola. Both Bernard and Alex are science journalists and editors with experience in helping LMIC authors to communicate their research. They are also AuthorAID stewards. Bernard, who is from Ghana, will be responsible for encouraging submissions and ensuring that articles adhere to the AuthorAID publication style while Alex, who is from Mexico, will work with authors and reviewers to help process submitted articles.

Red background with white text and graphics. The text reads "Open call for blog posts! Considering submitting a blog post to the AuthorAID website? Take the opportunity now to share your knowledge and skills with the AuthorAID community!" Graphics are the white outline of a megaphone and a laptop

Second, we now have detailed instructions for authors and reviewers. Articles can range from 500 to 1000 words. We have added new guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. We expect authors to write the blog posts themselves and let us know if they used AI tools at all in writing them. Articles would be rejected a) if found to have AI without disclosure or b) if deemed to have excessively used AI even if disclosed.

Third, AuthorAID encourages topics that could also enhance the celebration of global or international events such as World Malaria Day, World Climate Change Day and more (see this calendar, for example). The article should include aspects of communication or authorship so that the broader AuthorAID community will be interested in it. For example, if you have published on malaria before, perhaps you can let the AuthorAID community become aware of your first experience in publishing a peer-reviewed article on malaria, what worked well and your challenges, if any. You may also highlight peer-reviewed articles that bring to light issues on particular topics as part of the celebration of such global or international events. Remember, though, that if you would like to contribute an article to commemorate a global event, you must plan ahead! We need a couple of weeks to review and polish your post, so please make sure to send it at least two weeks before the event so we can have the blog ready.

Fourth, AuthorAID will regularly call for articles or blog posts on topical themes. The goal is to encourage more LMIC researchers and authors to use the AuthorAID platform to highlight topical and timely issues that are more relevant to research communication.

Fifth, AuthorAID will also encourage interested participants attending AuthorAID writing courses to publish blog posts or articles to share their experiences or skills in research communication.


Finally, if you have read an AuthorAID blog post or article that interests you, we encourage you to comment on it or share it via your social media platforms. Such a strategy could lead to more people also becoming aware of such content. We look forward to reading about your experience – please consider writing and submitting your blog post soon!

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