A global network of researchers

Introducing the AuthorAID Online Journal Clubs - starting next week

By AuthorAID Team | Mar. 06, 2019

The new AuthorAID Online Journal Clubs start next week. Sign up to learn more about reading, writing and the latest research papers.

What is an online journal club?

A journal club is a group of individuals in a particular field or shared interest group, who come together to discuss research papers in peer-reviewed journals, so they can build their skills together in reading, critical appraisal and subject knowledge, whilst also highlighting new findings, sharing resources, and providing peer support to each other.

Online journal clubs have the added advantage of being able to connect individuals from all over the world.

The AuthorAID online journal clubs are open to everyone, whether you are an experienced academic/scientist, or an early-career researcher, or anybody interested in the topic of the club!

Next week (11th March), we will be starting the following four journal clubs in science and social science:

The groups will be led by AuthorAID associates and mentors. You can join as many groups as you like (but be prepared for lots of reading and learning!)


What if these do not cover my subject discipline?

Unfortunately, we couldn’t create a group to cover every area of interest. However, please consider picking at least one group to join, because:

  • The journal clubs are not just about specific subject disciplines, but we also learn how to read and analyse papers and adapt this our own writing skills.
  • Learning about and interacting with researchers in different disciplines can spark ideas about interdisciplinary research projects, and potential future collaborations.
  • You could also use this opportunity to learn how a journal club works and then start your own!

We look forward to seeing you in the journal clubs! If you have any questions, please post them below

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