A global network of researchers

'Research Writing in the Sciences' online course starts today - enrolment deadline extended!

By AuthorAID Team | Sep. 04, 2018

Our new online course 'Research Writing in the Sciences' starts today, September 4th, and we have extended the enrolment deadline to 17th September. The course is hosted on our Moodle website, so to fully enrol, please click on this link: https://moodle.inasp.info/enrol/index.php?id=142

If you have any problems enrolling, please post a comment below.

Course details:

Who is this course for?

The course is designed for researchers in developing countries, particularly those working in a scientific field (life sciences / natural sciences / other related fields). It is suitable for early career researchers, or those with limited experience in publishing papers in reputable peer-reviewed journals. (Researchers in the social sciences, please see below*)

Course duration: 5 to 8 weeks, depending on the topics you choose

Main topics covered in the course: 

  • Core topics (weeks 1 to 5) - Literature review, publication ethics, making a targeting the right journals, writing and publishing a research paper.
  • Optional topics: (weeks 6 to 8) Writing a grant proposal and Communicating Research Outside Academia (learners can choose either subject or both)

Course dates: 4th September to 29th October 2018

Course leaders: Andy Nobes and Ravi Murugesan of INASP, along with a team of experienced guest facilitators from the AuthorAID network


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