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AuthorAID News

1615 articles were found.

Using Images from Elsewhere

By Barbara Gastel | Jan. 04, 2009

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Greetings again. I hope that 2009 has started well for you. Maybe you noticed the photo that accompanied last week’s posting. It had the caption “Sunset at Joshua Tree National …

A Message on a Snowy Day

By Barbara Gastel | Dec. 21, 2008

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Greetings from Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States. Outside, snow is falling. The snow is beautiful, especially on the trees. Why I am traveling during this season, when the weather …

Some End-of-Semester Thoughts

By Barbara Gastel | Dec. 06, 2008

Here at Texas A&M University, fall semester will end soon. Therefore, for the next few days I’ll be busy grading articles by graduate students and presentations by medical students. I’ve …

From the Nicaragua Workshop

By Barbara Gastel | Nov. 29, 2008

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Greetings from Nicaragua. I just finished leading an AuthorAID workshop here on scientific writing. In addition to attendees from Nicaragua, there were three attendees from Honduras and three from Cuba. …

An Early Posting, with Thanks

By Barbara Gastel | Nov. 21, 2008

As you might notice, I’m posting this blog entry early. The reason is that I’m leaving tomorrow for Nicaragua, to give an AuthorAID workshop. I look forward to leading …
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