Jolem Mwanje
Executive Director at African Centre for Health Social and Economic Research | Juba , South Sudan
- Subjects:
- Healthcare and nursing, Data Sciences, Medicine and Dentistry, Social sciences, Information Sciences, Agriculture and food systems, Biological Sciences
- Spoken languages:
- English
- Status:
- Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support
- Support Needed:
- Writing, Article planning, Proposal development, Statistics, Statistical advice, Study design, News articles, Systematic reviews, Technical reports, Career mentoring, Data analysis
- Subjects:
- Healthcare and nursing, Data Sciences, Medicine and Dentistry, Social sciences, Information Sciences, Agriculture and food systems, Biological Sciences
- Research Keywords:
- Health Planning and Policy, Health Systems. Reproductive Health, Maternal New born and Child health
- Collaboration interests:
- Health Systems Health Policy Health Economics Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (MNCH) Adolescent Health
- Biography:
- Jolem Mwanje is a public health expert with over 10 years of experience in NGO development and emergency settings. He is currently the Country Director at Impact Health Organisation in South Sudan, where he leads the organization's health initiatives.Mwanje holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health and a Master of Arts in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid. He is also a Board of Trustee at Destiny University College, Co-Chair of the Child Health Task Force- Vaccination Sub Group, and Executive Director of the African Center for Health Social and Economic Research. He has authored several publications on health issues in South Sudan.
- Profile website:
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