Stephen Bannah
- Subjects:
- Business
- Spoken languages:
- English
- Status:
- Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
AuthorAID articles
- A Guide to Qualitative Research Data and Sampling Techniques - Mar. 18, 2024
- A Quick Guide to Selecting an Excellent Research Topic and Project Title - Dec. 18, 2023
- Subjects:
- Business
- Research Keywords:
- Climate Change and Disclosure, Intellectual Capital, Digitalization in Healthcare, Forensic Accounting, ESG, Accounting Reforms and Governance Quality, Artificial Intelligence and Firm Performance
- Collaboration interests:
- In modern research, collaboration among scientists, academic institutions, and nations is integral, fostering a dynamic interactions that drives scientific progress. I deem it a great opportunity to collaborate with others in my research endeavors.
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