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Abass Adebayo Olalekan: photo

Abass Adebayo Olalekan

Faculty Lecturer - Natural Science Education (Biology) at Lagos State University of Education | Lagos , Nigeria

Education and Teaching, Life Sciences, Basic Medical Sciences, Biology
Spoken languages:
Looking for a mentor and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support
Support Needed:
Article planning, Dealing with the publishing process, Publication ethics, Responding to peer review, Study design, Systematic reviews, Career mentoring


Education and Teaching, Life Sciences, Basic Medical Sciences, Biology
Research Keywords:
Metagenomics, antibiotics resistance, microbiology, bioinformatics, genetics, molecular biology
Collaboration interests:
Metagenomics, antibiotics resistance, Microbiology, bioinformatics, genetics, molecular biology
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Curriculum Vitae:
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