Catherine Ann Ennis
Freelance scientific and medical writer, editor, and writing coach | North Vancouver , Canada
- Subjects:
- Life Sciences
- Spoken languages:
- English
- Status:
- Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Editing Support, Short-term mentoring and support
- Response Time:
- Usually within 48 hours
- Support Offered:
- Writing, Proofreading, Article planning, Language polishing/light editing, Medium/heavy editing, Presentation planning, Proposal development, Responding to peer review, Language editing or proofreading support, News articles, Technical reports
- Subjects:
- Life Sciences
- Research Keywords:
- genetics, genomics, epigenetics, epigenomics, biotechnology, life sciences, virology, microbiology
- Collaboration interests:
- writing, editing, writing coaching, funding proposals, manuscripts, knowledge translation, public outreach, press releases
- Profile website:
- https://wordomics.com/
- Curriculum Vitae:
- Sign in to download CV (237.8 KB)
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