Habtamu Girma - ሀብታሙ ግርማ
Research Fellow in Energy Economics at African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) | Addis Ababa - Ethiopia. Nairobi - Kenya. Lagos - Nigeria , Ethiopia
- Subjects:
- Economics, Social sciences
- Spoken languages:
- English, French
- Status:
- Open to collaboration.
- Subjects:
- Economics, Social sciences
- Research Keywords:
- Behavioral economics (experimental economics); energy economics; environmental economics; Macroeconomic modeling; labor economics; institutional economics
- Collaboration interests:
- I want to work with interested ones in research and consultancy works in the areas of research in economics at undergraduate and Postgraduate levels like Energy Economics; macroeconomic modeling; development economics, environmental economics
- Biography:
- Habtamu Girma Demiessie is formerly assistant professor of Economics at Jigjiga University, Ethiopia. Currently, he is a Research fellow (in Energy Economics) at African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). Habtamu has published more than 85 scholarly works , which can be categorized as original research article, commentary, opinion or view point pieces, appeared on well read journals, Newsletters, print media and/or social media outlets in Ethiopia and abroad Beyind his rich account of experience in the realms of academia, research and macroeconomic policy, Habtamu is an author and freelance journalist. He authored 8 books His academic & literary works
- Profile website:
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Habtamu-Demiessie
- Curriculum Vitae:
- Sign in to download CV (177.4 KB)
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