Diego Rios-Zertuche
United States of America
- Subjects:
- Healthcare and nursing, Social sciences, Medicine and Dentistry
- Spoken languages:
- English, Spanish
- Status:
- Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support
- Support Offered:
- Article planning, Presentation planning, Publication ethics, Study design, Table and figure design, Study design, Policy briefs, Data analysis
- Subjects:
- Healthcare and nursing, Social sciences, Medicine and Dentistry
- Research Keywords:
- Public health, health system strengthening, healthcare quality, quality of care, maternal and child health, vaccinations, epidemiology, malaria, demographic and health surveys, population surveys, measuring quality of care, health facility surveys
- Collaboration interests:
- Tengo mas de 10 años de experiencia en la implementación y evaluación de programas de salud pública. En este tiempo, he visto muchas cosas. Quizá pueda compartir algún tip útil.
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