Andrzej Klimczuk
Assistant Professor - Department of Public Policy at SGH Warsaw School of Economics Poland
- Subjects:
- Social Work, Economics, Political sciences, peace and conflict, Sociology
- Spoken languages:
- English
- Status:
- Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support
- Response Time:
- Usually within 48 hours
- Support Offered:
- Book planning, Dealing with the publishing process, Presentation planning, Proposal development, Publication ethics, Responding to peer review, Policy briefs, Social media
- Subjects:
- Social Work, Economics, Political sciences, peace and conflict, Sociology
- Research Keywords:
- ageing, older people, older adults, 3D Printers, ageing, bits and atoms, Creative Commons, Creative industries, Cultural policy, Culture, demography, Developmental Psychology, E-Government, exclusion, games art, gerontology, ICTs and cultural policies, maker labs, Management, media laboratories, medialabs, Open Source and Free Software Studies, Open Source Culture, Open Source Software, Organizational Development, Participatory Media, printing 3d, Prosumption, Public Services, Robotics, Second Life, silver economy, social exclusion, social policy, social problems, social work, software production sector, trade, Urban Planning, video games, virtual money exchange, web 2.0, Web Accessibility
- Collaboration interests:
- I am particularly interested in analyzing ideas and research projects in terms of science and subsequent business models. I have quite a long experience in assessing projects, consortia, and enterprises, including for the European Commission.
- Biography:
- Andrzej Klimczuk, PhD, a sociologist and public policy expert, assistant professor in the Department of Social Policy of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. Editor and correspondent of publications about computer and video games in the years 2002-2009. In 2011-2013, Vice President of the Foundation's Laboratory Research and Social Action "SocLab." External expert of institutions such as the European Commission, URBACT Programme, Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme, Fondazione Cariplo, and International Federation on Ageing. Member of various scientific organizations such as the International Sociological Association, European School of Social Innovation, International Political Science Association, European Citizen Science Association, and Human Development & Capability Association. Author of many scientific papers in the field of gerontology, labor economics, public management and social policy, e.g., books: "Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy", the two-volume set, Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2015, 2017; "Generations, Intergenerational Relationships, Generational Policy: A Multilingual Compendium" (co-edited with K. Lüscher and M. Sanchez), Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 17 languages, editions 2015, 2016 and 2017; "Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population" (co-edited with Ł. Tomczyk), Frontiers Media, Lausanne 2020; "Starzenie się populacji. Aktywizacja, koprodukcja i integracja społeczna osób starszych" [Population Ageing: Activation, Co-Production, and Social Integration of Older People] (co-authored with G. Gawron and Z. Szweda-Lewandowska), Wyd. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2021; "Demographic Analysis: Selected Concepts, Tools, and Applications", IntechOpen, London 2021; and "The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions" (co-edited with V. Česnuityte, C. Miguel and G. Avram), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 2022. He is a Sections Editor in the "Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging" (Springer Nature, Cham 2021).
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