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waleed abobatta

Dr. - Citrus Research Dept. at Horticulture Research Institute- Agriculture Research Center | Giza , Egypt

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Open to collaboration.


Research Keywords:
Plant Physiology, Nanotechnology applications, Integrated Horticulture crops management
Collaboration interests:
Nanotechnology, Remote sensing, climate change and Plant Diseases,
Abobatta working as a Dr at (Citrus research Department), Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, he’s a member of Scientific Committee for Greenhouses Plantation (A. R. C.) and a member of Scientific Team for National Campaign for Navel Orange improvement (HRI), Abobatta published more than 13 books and research papers since he has Ph. D in 2014. Abobatta has been serving as an editorial board member in many journals like Acta Science Agriculture, https://actascientific.com/ASAG.php ,Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Science Publishing Group http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com ,International Journal of Research in Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy Practice https://ijrcmpp.com Dr. Abobatta has been identified as an influential speaker for seminar, symposium, workshop, training and classes. He’s consultant of Nano application in the agricultural sector and Magnetizing treated water in agriculture in the Arabian region, also, Abobatta involved in several researchers in his field of expertise.
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