Sajal Bhattarai
Grdauate Research Assistant - Food Science at Purdue University | Brookings , United States of America
- Subjects:
- Agriculture and food systems, Biological Sciences
- Spoken languages:
- English, Nepalese
- Subjects:
- Agriculture and food systems, Biological Sciences
- Research Keywords:
- Food Science, carbohydrate chemistry, polysaccharide based biodegradable films, food and gut microbiome interactions.
- Collaboration interests:
- Although I can understand and work on on overall area of food science and technology, my hands on research experiences have been in: biopolymer based packaging, polysaccharide chemistry, food (dietary fiber) and gut microbiome interactions.
- Biography:
- I am a researcher in the area of food science and human nutrition, originally from Nepal. I am currently a PhD student at Purdue University, USA, working on diet-gut microbiome interactions.
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