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Mohamed Naleem Mohamed Fouzi

Senior Lecturer - Farm Animal Production and Health, Veterinary Medicine at University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka

Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences
Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Long-term mentoring and support
Response Time:
Usually within a month
Support Offered:
Writing, Article planning, Presentation planning, Responding to peer review, Study design, Table and figure design, Study design, News articles, Systematic reviews, Theses and dissertation writing, Career mentoring


Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences
Research Keywords:
Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health, Poultry health, Goat and sheep management
Collaboration interests:
Molecular diagnosis, Diseases of Fish and shrimp, Fish biotechnology, Marine and coastal Aquaculture, Infectious bronchitis in poultry and small ruminants.

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