Director of Research and Innovation at South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST) | Dhaka , Bangladesh
- Subjects:
- Healthcare, Environmental sciences, Life Sciences, Basic Medical Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
- Spoken languages:
- English
- Status:
- Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
- Support Level:
- Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support
- Support Offered:
- Writing, Article planning, Study design, Statistical advice, Data analysis
- Subjects:
- Healthcare, Environmental sciences, Life Sciences, Basic Medical Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
- Research Keywords:
- Mr. Juwel Rana’s major scientific interests are to develop or improve epidemiologic methods related to risk prediction, repeated measures, multivariate analysis, causal mediation analysis, causal inference, mixture analysis, simulation study, big data, and application of machine learning approaches. He applies these techniques in perinatal epidemiology (early childhood development, developmental delays and disorders, child mortality), maternal & reproductive health, non-communicable diseases, and environmental epidemiology.
- Collaboration interests:
- I am happy to collaborate on applying epidemiologic methods, risk prediction, mixture analysis, repeated measures, causal mediation analysis, causal inference, and machine learning approaches to Environmental Health.
- Biography:
- Mr. Juwel Rana is the Founder and serves as the Director of Research and Innovation at the SAIST Foundation. His inspiring journey began during his undergraduate studies at the University of Dhaka, where he laid the groundwork for the SAIST Foundation. Initially taking shape as YRIDB and SAYRID on 15 July 2010, this endeavor was fueled by the passion and collaboration of a dedicated group of young researchers. Together, they set out to make a significant impact, showcasing the power of youthful ambition and collective effort in driving positive change. He has pursued a dual Master of Public Health (MPH) degree in European Master of Public Health (EMPH) from the University of Sheffield, the UK, and EMPH in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences from the EHESP School of Public Health, France, under the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. He also completed an MSS and BSS in Sociology from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Before joining the Department of Public Health at North South University, Mr. Juwel worked as a J1 Research Scholar at the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. Mr. Juwel Rana’s major scientific interests are to develop or improve epidemiologic methods related to risk prediction, repeated measures, multivariate analysis, causal mediation analysis, causal inference, mixture analysis, simulation study, big data, and application of machine learning approaches. He applies these techniques in perinatal epidemiology (early childhood development, developmental delays and disorders, child mortality), maternal & reproductive health, non-communicable diseases, and environmental epidemiology. He published more than 60 research papers in peer-reviewed journals such as The Lancet, The Lancet Public Health, Neuroepidemiology, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Alzheimer & Dementia, Scientific Reports, International Journal of Environmental Research, Exposure and Health, Reproductive Health, BMC Medicine, Frontiers in Medicine, and Journal of the American College of Cardiology. He serves as the managing editor of the South Asian Journal of Social Sciences (SAJSS), regional editor of Global Dialogue, and member of the reviewer board in respective journals of the field, including the International Journal of Environmental Research, Scientific Reports, BMJ Environmental & Occupational Medicine, Public Health Nutrition, Brain and Behavior, and PLOS One. He is an active member of different professional networks, such as The Society for Epidemiologic Research and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology.
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