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David Jaures FOTSA-MBOGNE: photo


Associate professor - Mathematics and Computer Science at The University of Ngaoundere / The University of Bertoua | Ngaoundere , Cameroon

Mathematics and Statistics, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Computing, Engineering, Agriculture, Business
Spoken languages:
Available for mentoring and open to collaboration.
Support Level:
Editing Support, Long-term mentoring and support, Short-term mentoring and support
Response Time:
Usually within 48 hours
Support Offered:
Writing, Proofreading, Article planning, Medium/heavy editing, Proposal development, Responding to peer review, Statistics, Study design, Table and figure design, Statistical advice, News articles, Social media, Systematic reviews, Technical reports, Theses and dissertation writing, Data analysis, Data management and sharing


Mathematics and Statistics, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Computing, Engineering, Agriculture, Business
Research Keywords:
Mathematical modeling, Biomathematics, Control theory, Optimization, Estimation and filtering, Differential equations (both stochastic and deterministic), Numerical simulations, Scientific programming, Data science, Machine learning metrics and algorithms
Collaboration interests:
I am interested in mathematical modeling, control and optimization of physics and life science systems with application to sustainable development. I'm currently working on epidemiology, resource allocation, scheduling, machine learning theory.
David Jaurès FOTSA MBOGNE holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics, which was awarded in 2017 with honors at the University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon. In the same University, he obtained successively a Bachelor in Scientific Computation, and a Research Master in Mathematical Engineering. In keeping with his academic background, Dr. Fotsa is very interested in cross-cutting scientific activities that value mathematical and computer-based modeling, analysis, optimization and simulation tools. Its Ph.D. research focused on modeling, optimal control and observation of coffee bery disease dynamics in the coffee berry. Dr. Fotsa is currently associate professor at the National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences of the University of Ngaoundere. He is also Head of The Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science at the Faculty of Science of The University of Bertoua. He teaches theoretical and practical courses in computer science and programming, probability, statistics and experimental design, numerical methods, operational research and optimization, linear algebra and analysis, modeling of chemical reactors. In addition, he supervises engineering students and research masters on agribusiness-related development aid topics (scheduling, maintenance and production management, waste management, food preservation). It also works with many national and international scientific partners on various issues in application. As a fun activity Dr. Fotsa is a lover of singing, guitar, dance and sports.
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