Una red global de investigadores

Roghieh Nooripour

Researcher | Tehran , Irán

Spoken languages:
Inglés, Persa
Disponible para dar mentoría Y disponible para colaboración.
Nivel de apoyo:
Tutoría y apoyo a largo plazo
Apoyo Ofrecido:
Escritura, Planeación de artículos, Planeación de libros, Ética de Publicación, Estadística, Diseño experimental, Diseño del estudio


Palabras clave de la investigación:
Adolescent Health; Cyber-psychology; Mindfulness; Stress and Coping; Emotion; Breast Cancer Prevention & Control; Resilience and Spirituality; Aging; Qualitative Research; Cyber-bullying; Satisfaction with Life; Hope; Stress; Addiction therapy; Transcranial stimulation; Food Addiction; Instagram addiction; COVID-19 stress; Delusions inventory; Psychotic-like experiences; Internet addiction; Internet infidelity; Neurofeedback; Sleep disturbance; Dissociative experiences; Alexithymia; Hallucination; PTSD; Maladaptive schemas; Quality of life therapy; Juvenile correction; Aggression; ADHD; Victimization; tDCS; Major Depressive Disorder; EEG; Brain Electromagnetic Tomography; Cognitive Inhibition; Food Craving; Machine Learning; Psychometric Validation; Mindfulness-Based Interventions; Emotional Well-being; Elderly Populations; Eating Disorders; Learning Disabilities; Menopausal Women; Risky Behaviors; Substance Abuse
Intereses de colaboración:
I am interested in collaborative projects that explore psychological resilience, mental health. I am eager to collaborate with fellow researchers and professionals who share a passion for developing innovative strategies to promote mental well-being.
Sitio de perfil profesional:
Currículum vitae:
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