A global network of researchers

A Resource Roundup

By Barbara Gastel | Oct. 11, 2015

Greetings again. I hope that all is going well for you.

Last week this blog featured the new resource Think. Check. Submit., which can help researchers decide where to consider submitting papers. This week the blog post is a resource roundup, featuring 4 resources recently added to the AuthorAID Resource Library.

The 4 resources include 2 in English, 1 in Spanish, and 1 in Chinese. One of the resources in English is a SciDev.Net Practical Guide titled “How to Pitch to A Science Editor”. This guide gives advice on proposing articles to editors of popular magazines and other publications.

Another resource is the TDR Implementation Research Toolkit. This toolkit provides an extensive introduction to doing implementation research. It also offers guidance in communicating the findings. Components include a manual, slides, and a video.

We also have a new Spanish-language resource: “Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia”. This resource, which provides advice on public science communication, is based on material presented last May (in English) at a workshop in Kenya. The new Spanish-language resource was prepared by Iveliz Martel, a journalist from Chile who is now a science-communication graduate student.

The last new resource is a Chinese translation of AuthorAID Tips of the Week 226–250. This resource contains the tips in both English and Chinese. Thus, it can aid readers in many countries. The translator was Fan Xiaohui, a faculty member at Xi’an Jiaotong University in China.

Do you have resources to suggest? If so, please post a comment or write to me. I can be reached at bgastel@inasp.info.

Until the next post—


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