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AuthorAID News

1569 articles were found.

Writing Good Paragraphs

By Barbara Gastel | Nov. 13, 2011

Greetings again. Recently someone requested advice on writing good paragraphs in journal articles. Others also might like advice on this topic, and so it’s the subject of this blog post. …

Tip of the Week #35

By Bernard Appiah | Nov. 11, 2011

If possible, place each reference immediately after the idea it refers to. For example, instead of writing "Some studies have shown the impacts of fish on the economies of Ghana …

Tip of the Week #30

By Bernard Appiah | Nov. 11, 2011

When giving your draft to someone to edit, let the person know what level of editing (light, medium, or heavy) you want. Specifying the level of editing may help you …

Tip of the Week #40

By Bernard Appiah | Nov. 11, 2011

Especially if a journal has author guidelines that are not detailed, read recent articles in the journal. Then write your article accordingly.

Tip of the Week #37

By Bernard Appiah | Nov. 11, 2011

Beware of making definitive statements that may prove to be false. For example, before writing a statement such as "Our study was the first to ...", ask yourself if you …

Tip of the Week #50

By Bernard Appiah | Nov. 9, 2011

Many researchers consult a statistician too late. If possible, do so while still planning a study. The statistician can help ensure that the research design is valid. 
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