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Mahmudur Rahman

Assistant Professor - Department of Pharmacy at Northern University Bangladesh | Dhaka , Bangladesh

Biological Sciences, Medicine and Dentistry, Subjects allied to Medicine


Biological Sciences, Medicine and Dentistry, Subjects allied to Medicine
Research Keywords:
Natural product chemistry, drug discovery, pharmacological assay of medicinal plants, antimicrobial resistance, pharmacoepidemiology, protein binding of drugs, neurodegenerative diseases
I am Mahmudur Rahman. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy, Northern University Bangladesh (http://www.nub.ac.bd/mahmudur-rahman/). I teach Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry (Pharmacognosy), Pharmacology, Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology, Microbiology theory and practical courses in different semesters. Area of my research interests are Natural Product Chemistry (Phytochemistry), Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry, Biopharmaceutics, Microbiology Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacy. Details of my research and publications are available here https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahmudur_Rahman3/?ev=hdr_xprf

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